Tag Archives: ca traffic laws

Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

With all of the technology around us that helps keep the world running, it can be hard to imagine what things used to be like before that tech existed. How could people have lived without all of this amazing stuff? Well, every once in a while we get to find out. As amazing as all […]

Is Parking in Front of a Hydrant a Good Idea?

Is Parking in Front of a Hydrant a Good Idea?

When a person is driving in a city or heavily populated area, they know that finding a parking spot is probably going to be difficult. After all, there are a lot of people in cities, all of whom are trying to find a spot close to their destination to minimize any walk time. This process […]

Remember to Slow Down in School Zones

Remember to Slow Down in School Zones

Every driver knows that speed limits can vary from place. After all, a person wouldn’t expect to be able to drive freeway speeds through a residential neighborhood. These differences exist for safety reasons. It wouldn’t be safe for the driver, or pedestrians to fly down a residential street at those speeds. By reducing speeds, a […]

Speeding is Selfish, and Puts Everyone at Risk

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Everyone is guilty of being selfish from time to time. Sometimes it’s okay and the offense is only minor. Other times, however, the offense is a very big deal. Take speeding for instance. Many people view it as a harmless traffic violation and don’t give it a second thought when their speedometer climbs high over […]

DUI Checkpoints in California

If you did a lot of driving over the Labor Day weekend, it is likely that you encountered a DUI checkpoint at some point. It might have been a bit bothersome, since the checkpoint probably backed up traffic slightly, but it was for a good reason. The point of DUI checkpoints is to identify drivers […]

Texting and Driving Laws in California

Texting while driving is against the law in the state of California. That has been the case for several years, and it continues to be the case now, even with the recent amendments to the distracted driving laws here in the state. It used to be, that the distracted driving laws specifically targeted things such […]

You can Be Fined for Crossing the Street During the Countdown

Believe it or not, a person is violating the law if they cross the street in the intersection when the hand is flashing with a countdown. Many Californians do not realize, or they forget, that it is actually illegal. They believe that they merely have that countdown left to get across the street safely. Actually, […]

Is it Worth Fighting a Traffic Ticket?

When you get a traffic ticket for speeding or running a stop sign, you can easily pay it, but you wonder whether it is worth fighting the ticket. You might be able to get it reduced or thrown out altogether. In some cases, it can be worth it to fight. However, it is not always […]

California’s Open Container Laws

In California, driving under the influence is not the only illegal alcohol and vehicle act, but it is the most known. It carries the most serious penalties. It is also very much worth knowing other alcohol and driving related laws, especially the “open container” laws for California. For drivers who are 21 years or older, […]

Did You Know You can be Charged with a Hit and Run Even if it’s Not Your Fault?

In California, you can be charged with a hit and run, even if the accident was not your fault. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to give your contact information to the other driver before you leave, regardless if the accident was your fault or not. You can be charged with […]

Is Driving While Hungover Ok?

Everyone knows that driving while drunk is a bad idea. While drunk you have poor motor control, and lack a sense of adequate risk assessment. Basically, you can’t control your actions well, and you do things that you wouldn’t normally do while sober. It is easy to see why people should not be driving in […]

What Car Modifications are and are Not Legal

Car enthusiasts value their vehicles more than many other things in their lives; it is a prized possession. These people will not hesitate to keep spending money on their car(s) to upgrade, modify, and personalize it to their liking. These modifications can include tinted windows, car wraps, and new exhaust pipes. However, they can only […]