Tag Archives: latest bail bond news apple valley

What You Can Use as Bail Bond Collateral

Collateral is a term used to cover something that is pledged as security for repayment of a loan. Collateral is forfeited in the event that the original payment for the loan does not occur. You may be familiar with the concept of collateral for bank financing purposes, but did you know that it is also […]

What Car Modifications are and are Not Legal

Car enthusiasts value their vehicles more than many other things in their lives; it is a prized possession. These people will not hesitate to keep spending money on their car(s) to upgrade, modify, and personalize it to their liking. These modifications can include tinted windows, car wraps, and new exhaust pipes. However, they can only […]

What Happens if You are Stopped at a DUI Checkpoint

Alcohol consumption increases during holidays and the weekends, and you can expect no different for Memorial Day weekend, which is right around the corner. Local law enforcement keeps up with this by setting more DUI Checkpoints throughout the city. If you are unfamiliar with what happens at DUI checkpoints, here is what you need to […]

Why You Should Pay for Uber or Lyft

There are so many ways to avoid drinking and driving these days, so why do people still do it? Instead of drinking and driving, you can walk if you are very close to home and the walk is safe, you can take a bus so long as you do not act drunk and belligerent, you […]

Rules of the Road for Bicyclists

California drivers, especially Los Angeles drivers, are known for being fast, impatient, and rude. However, if there is one group of people that drivers are more cautious of, it is bicyclists. What are the rules of the road car drivers and bicyclists? • When the biker is traveling slower than the cars, they must be […]

What to Expect if You are Arrested as a Minor

The upside to turning 18 years old is finishing high school, getting ready for college, and officially becoming an adult free to make your own decisions. The downside to turning 18, is becoming the adult that needs to learn how to calculate decisions and evaluate possible outcomes before making a move. Rewards are great when […]

What You Need to Know About Being a Bail Bond Co-Signer

When a legal document needs a co-signer, it means it needs an additional person to cover the debt in case the first person, cannot make good on their payments and promises. Co-signers are not uncommon for major purchases like cars, homes, loans, and even bail bonds. A co-signer will generally have a good credit history […]

Bring Your Loved One Home to Mom for Mother’s Day

The ultimate Mother’s Day gift you can ever give to Mom would be the presence of a loved one whom she believes is stuck in jail. It is a gift that could change her mood from stressed and that her loved one is in jail, to being filled with joy and relief that this person […]

The Fast and the Furious is Cool, but Street Racing is Illegal

The eighth installment of the popular street racing franchise The Fast and the Furious is finally out in theaters. The movies are entertaining to watch, guilty pleasure or not, but what you see on the big screen is not what you should see in real life on the streets. Street racing, technically documented as Speed […]

A Look at Some of the Most Expensive Bails in United States History

A few weeks ago, a Northern California woman named Tiffany Li had posted the country’s 8th highest bail in the U.S.’s state court history. Li, accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend and father to her two young children, was given a $35 million bail. She posted twice that amount in property. The equity in these properties […]

A Mother’s Day Miracle: The Whole Family Together

All any mother wants on Mother’s Day is to spend the day with her family. She does not get a full family day like this very often anymore. Her children are older now. They may be away for college, or live and work in another state. They may even have their own little families to […]

What Are California’s Gun Laws?

It has been 15 months since the December 2015 terror attack in San Bernardino, California, yet the community has not quite recovered from the horrific loss. Just recently, they were struck with another tragedy: a shooting at an elementary school that left 2 adults and 1 eight-year-old child dead. With the nation watching on social […]