Tag Archives: affordable bail bond plans

Who Sets the High Bail Prices?

If you have ever needed to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you have probably seen how expensive it can be. Bailing someone out of jail probably made you wonder who determines the prices for bail and bail bonds. When people contact a bail bond company to help them bail their friend […]

If You Think Your Loved One Needs Help, Then Help

Some of the hardest years of life are the teenage years, when a person has many influences surrounding them, both good and bad. This is a time when a person is trying to pass school and figure out what they want to do for a career. This is when they rebel, when they do not […]

The Differences between Jail and Prison

Jail and prison are two places you would never want yourself, or a loved one, to end up. It is a common mistake to believe jail and prison refer to the same institutions. It is true that they are quite similar, but at the same time, there are a number of differences that separate them […]

Bail Bond Commandments Thou Must Not Break

We are all familiar with mistakes and how they set us back from reaching our goals. People who have trouble with the law know this particularly well and at that moment, they want nothing more than to post bail so they can return home. There, they can reevaluate their near future and figure out how […]

Are Bail Bonds Tax Deductible?

Every year when it is tax season, we try and pull together everything we can think of that we could write off as deductions in our taxes: donations, cars, clothes, investments, you name it! Not everything can be tax deductible, as you know. This includes bail; most people who are put into the situation of […]

This is Why People Choose Mariana Ranchos Bail Bond Store

We hope you will never need a bail bond, for yourself or a loved one, but if you do, we want you to know that you can and should rely on the team at Mariana Ranchos Bail Bond Store. There are many other bail bond companies in California, but here is why you should choose […]

Bring Your Loved One Home to Mom for Mother’s Day

The ultimate Mother’s Day gift you can ever give to Mom would be the presence of a loved one whom she believes is stuck in jail. It is a gift that could change her mood from stressed and that her loved one is in jail, to being filled with joy and relief that this person […]

A Look at Some of the Most Expensive Bails in United States History

A few weeks ago, a Northern California woman named Tiffany Li had posted the country’s 8th highest bail in the U.S.’s state court history. Li, accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend and father to her two young children, was given a $35 million bail. She posted twice that amount in property. The equity in these properties […]