Tag Archives: apple valley ca bail bond services

Did You Know This about Carpool Lanes?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

If you have ever driven on a California freeway, you’ve probably seen a carpool lane before. More recently, they have been renamed to HOV lanes, which stands for High Occupancy Vehicle Lane. These are lanes that are only accessible by vehicles that have more than one occupant in the vehicle. The idea is that by […]

Can Climate Change Increase Suicide Rates?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

If you are like most people, than you probably don’t like it when the temperatures rise too high. Here in Southern California it is not unheard of for the temperatures to rise into the triple digits, which is never fun. This kind of heat can be deadly in its own right, but a recent study […]

DUI Checkpoints and Independence Day

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that you will start to see more DUI checkpoints. This is due to the fact that more people drink alcohol around these holidays, and then proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Police officers know this, and do everything in their power to curb this […]

Where Will He End Up, Jail or Prison?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

There are a lot of closely related terms out there that many people believe to be synonymous with one another, even when they aren’t. A good example of this would be the terms jail and prison. Most people assume that these two terms can be used interchangeably to reference a place where inmates are held. […]

California 3

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

What started out as rumor, or a nice thought, has turned into a real deal. This November, Californians will have a few serious measures to vote on. Californians will not only be voting on a new governor, but on whether or not California should be divided into 3 new, separate states. The talk about California […]

What Happens If a Minor Breaks a Law?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Getting arrested is not a great experience. Everyone knows that. However, it is not something that adults can’t handle. As an adult, a person knows that it will be rough, but eventually they will get out of jail again. Kids don’t understand that. Several things are so much worse as a kid than they are […]

What to Do if Someone Breaks into Your House

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When we think of our homes, we think of them as our safe havens. They are our escape from work, stressful family events, and from other aspects of the harsh world we live in. Our homes are sanctuaries that protect us from the weather, and the outside world. One of the last things on our […]

Annoying Neighbors Getting to You?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When you move into your first house or apartment, you’re faced with new problems that you previously never considered before. Things like what kind of paper towels to buy, where to do laundry, how to do laundry, and many other adult tasks. When you decide on a first home, you mainly are focused on appearances. […]

DMV on Saturday

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing relief from being stuck at work all day then being stuck in line at the DMV. We no longer have to rush over to the DMV before it closes during the week. The California DMV […]

According to California, You Can’t Go Here

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

California is at it again with some interesting laws. Sometimes you read headlines and you find yourself scratching your head thinking it can’t be true. Well, sometimes the truth is borderline crazy. Yes, California does actually have travel bans to various states in the nation. Who knew that states could ban each other? These travel […]

Handicap Parking Laws

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

We all know the struggle of trying to find the perfect parking spot. During the summer months, it seems near impossible to find a good spot. The best spot are usually reserved for drivers with handicaps, and even then there are few of the spots still. It may be tempting to just park in a […]

Your Hot Rod Needs to Be Cool Too

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

There’s nothing worse than burning your hand on your seatbelt as you try to rush off to work in your oven of a car. In the winter we’re worried about warming our cars up. In the summer it’s the complete opposite. At least in the winter you can just bundle up, put on some gloves, […]