Tag Archives: new years resolutions

How to Stay Motivated

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Starting off the new year feeling brand new is typical. However, the excitement may start to wear on you as you resume your usual routine. Here are some tips on how to stay on track with your New Year resolutions. Forbes has several recommendations: • Set large goals • Have reasons for wanting to complete […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to themselves. New Year’s Resolutions are positive and uplifting to some, while they are a joke to others. According Nielsen.com, Newswire, the top ten New Year’s Resolutions are: • Stay fit and healthy • Lose weight […]

“New Year, New Me”

“New Year, New Me.” This is an all too familiar phrase around this time of year. It is cliché, but face it, it is still very applicable and could not be worded any better. There is never a time you should not focus on yourself, and work on making yourself a better person every day. […]

Just Be There for Your Loved One

You may have had a great start to 2017, but not everyone did. Unfortunately, not everyone includes a good friend of yours. They are not in great spirits right now, but your friend is relying on you to help get him or her through this. To support them financially, help them get a bail bond […]