Tag Archives: what are my rights

What Is the Fourth Amendment?

What Is the Booking Process Like?

Here in the United States, we are granted a lot of rights and freedoms thanks to the US Constitution. Many of the most basic rights we have come from the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments of the Constitution. One of the many important amendments there is the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth […]

What Are Your Rights as an Airline Passenger?

The recent United Airlines incident involving a man being dragged off his overbooked flight has everyone wondering what their rights are in this kind of situation. The flight, heading to Louisville, KY from Chicago, IL, was overbooked. No passenger volunteered to give up their seat, even after the airline offered accommodations and up to $800 […]

When a Search Warrant is and is not Needed

There are many times the police would need a search warrant to go through a person’s belongings or property, but there are also times where a search and seizure warrant is not needed. This includes: • The individual voluntarily consents to a search. • Inspection searches, like border patrol. • Illegal and incriminating items and […]

Let’s Talk About Sanctuary Cities

The Trump Presidency has brought fear to undocumented immigrants now more than ever. With such debate, many cities in the U.S. have vowed to protect its immigrants, and these cities have declared themselves “sanctuary cities.” Sanctuary cities include: San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and New York. An unofficial count identifies approximately 300 U.S. cities, towns, and […]

The Right to Post Bail

You have the right to remain silent. This is the first clause of the Miranda Rights, a set of rights the police must read aloud to anyone they arrest. You have the right to an attorney. This is the second clause of the Miranda Rights. The purpose of the Miranda Rights is to ensure that […]

Anyone Can Use Bail Bonds – Even Celebrities!

If you think that the only people who use bail bonds to get out of jail are people who are not as well off as others, you are wrong. It does not matter what your household income is, anyone can use bail bonds to post bail, even celebrities. Lindsay Lohan She has had her fair […]

The Ultimate Law at Mariana Ranchos Bail Bond Store

The laws in California are constantly changing but the “law” for Mariana Ranchos Bail Bond Store does not. The law, or rule, at Mariana Ranchos Bail Bond Store has remained the same since our company’s inception 30 years ago: It is the mission of our company to provide each of our valued clients with fast, […]

Did You Know: The Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Cell Phone?

In the broadest answer as to whether the police need a warrant to search your cell phone in California, the answer is yes, they need a warrant unless you give your consent. Technically, the police cannot even look at the screen without a warrant, even if they press the button to turn it off. Cell […]

When Search Warrants Are and Are Not Warranted

If you are out on bail, you will have a better time prepping for court, both in your appearance and also in your case. Sometimes the police do not need a warrant, other times, they do. On those other times, the police will want to conduct the search, but not bring a warrant with them […]