Category Archives: Bail Bond is Spring Valley Lake

Zombies are in Florida, Not California

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When an emergency alert sounds off on our phones, we tend to freak out a bit and read the message immediately. Most of the time they’re amber or silver alerts. We haven’t gotten too many earthquakes or tsunami alerts. Imagine if when you checked your alert, it said there was a zombie outbreak. If Californians […]

Are Your Grandkids Asking for Bail Money?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Grandparents will do anything for their grandkids. It’s not a rule, or a law, it is just fact. When a parent becomes a grandparent, it is as if their own child doesn’t compare anymore. Grandparents usually love to shower their grandkids with love and believe that they can do no wrong. There are people out […]

California Yoga

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Yoga seems to have taken over the state of California. Maybe it’s because the laid back nature of yoga coincides with the lifestyle of many Californians. Yoga even floods most of our social media accounts. It really has taken root and life here in the Golden State. If you’re already a yogi and enjoy the […]

Weird Things to Do in California Off the Beaten Coast

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

California is home to the stars, and king of the west coast. If you’re ever bored, there are plenty of things to do from Hollywood Blvd. to walking through the Redwood Forest. If you want more sunshine, you can head down to San Diego and have some drinks on the beach with friends and family. […]

How to Play with the Hand You Were Dealt

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

There are a lot of things that make us sad in life. We often feel compelled to argue about, fight, and disagree with the cards that have been dealt in life. We don’t have to like what is happening in our lives, but we do have to accept it. Sure we can throw fits, and […]

The Ethics of Assisted Suicide in California

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

The issues we face in today’s world are very different than what our ancestors might have faced. The older generations in our families can share millions of stories that normally start off with: “Back in my day…” Older generations grew up with less technology, while newer generations have been raised on tech. Since they have […]

You Can’t Just Camp Here

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When you travel the U.S., you get to experience what each state has to offer. You also have to be aware of the laws in each state since not all of the states are the same. While you’re traveling through California, you may feel like camping out instead of stopping at a hotel. This is […]

Just an Awkward Photo Away from Traveling

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Remember in grade school how every year you would have to take a school picture for the yearbook? You’d have to dress nicely and you’d try to practice your smile because you didn’t want to look like a dork. The stress of taking a school picture would hopefully be worth it once you finally got […]

All the Single Dads

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

We live in a world where we preach independence. We want independence from everyone and if someone says we can’t do something, we prove them wrong. When people say you can’t raise a child without being married, you prove them wrong. There is nothing wrong with being a single mother and to all those single […]

Snakes aren’t Toys, They’re Dangerous

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

With every positive, there always seems to be a downside. California has beaches, sunshine, and great views. However, California also has snakes, earthquakes, and the occasional summer temperature rising above 100. If these cons to living in California stress you out, take a hike out on one the hundreds of trails California has to offer […]

Are Lazy Days Bad?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

It’s so easy to postpone the things that we don’t want to do. All it takes is a little faith, procrastination, and an I-don’t-want-to-attitude. Even though we don’t recognize it, we do take short cuts on a regular basis to make it easier for ourselves. After all, why do we drive to work or school […]

What to Do When You Miss Someone

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When you miss someone, it can almost feel like your world is crashing down around you. This is especially true if you regularly spend time with this person. Sometimes getting separated from a close friend can feel horrible, like the separation may last forever. No matter how bad it feels, that isn’t always the case. […]