Tag Archives: apple valley bail bonds

A Mother’s Day Miracle: The Whole Family Together

All any mother wants on Mother’s Day is to spend the day with her family. She does not get a full family day like this very often anymore. Her children are older now. They may be away for college, or live and work in another state. They may even have their own little families to […]

What Are California’s Gun Laws?

It has been 15 months since the December 2015 terror attack in San Bernardino, California, yet the community has not quite recovered from the horrific loss. Just recently, they were struck with another tragedy: a shooting at an elementary school that left 2 adults and 1 eight-year-old child dead. With the nation watching on social […]

Apple Valley Bail Bonds is True Quality

Most people would think that it does not matter who they hire to help bail their loved one out of jail. All that matters is that the job gets done and besides, all bail bond companies do the same thing anyway. The truth is, it does matter what bail bond company a person decides to […]

Benefits to Using Bail Bonds

Deciding on whether or not you should hire a bail bond company can be difficult. There are a lot of things to consider. However, when you call Apple Valley Bail Bonds, the only issue you should have is who will be picking your loved one up from jail. Here are 2 of the biggest benefits […]

Can a Parent Give their Child Alcohol?

Like all states, the minimum age for drinking alcohol in California is 21. However, unlike other states, there are no exceptions to this rule in California. For example, some states allow minors to drink alcohol under the allowance and supervision of their parent or legal guardian, but this is not allowed in California. In California, […]

Is There a Legal Obligation to Report a Crime as a Witness?

There was a recent incident involving rape, Facebook, and what did or did not happen after the fact. An adolescent Chicago girl was raped by 5 or 6 males and the incident was streamed live on Facebook long enough for nearly 50 people to watch and know what was going on. None of those nearly […]

Gambling Laws of California

Many types of gambling are illegal in California, but at least Las Vegas is not too far away! It is worth noting that not all forms of gambling are outlawed in California. Here are some ways gamblers can get their fix without having to leave California: • Indian Casinos – These are similar to Vegas-style […]

What to Expect with the New Marijuana Laws of California

As you know, California passed Prop 64 last November, making marijuana usage legal in California. However, as you might expect, the prop is not that simple to follow. There are details and complexities written within the prop and forthcoming laws. There are regulations and concerns that must be addressed. Here is what you should know […]

LA Signs New Directive Order to Protect its Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

You know how there has been a lot of news and talk lately surrounding the discussion of immigration? Well, there is even more news. Now, Los Angeles police and city employees will not enforce federal immigration laws, as ordered by the new executive directive that Mayor Eric Garcetti just signed. The directive also says that […]

No Child Left Behind

As the weather begins to warms up again here in Southern California, we would like to remind parents that convenience is not always the better option, especially when it comes to your kids. It could be the line that defines whether you are a good or bad parent! For example, you just picked up your […]

Still Time to Use your Tax Return for Bail

Most of us by now, have had our tax return directly deposited in the bank. Sweet! “Free” money! Have you thought about what you are going to do with the money? Will you save it? Will you spend it? Will you divvy it up for various needs and wants? What about making the bail bond […]

What is Idling and What does it have to do with Cars?

The coldest days are behind us for the year here in Southern California, but Northern California is still colder and the North-East is still getting snow. It sure would be nice to go from a warm home into a warm car so we do not endure the cold weather too long, or at all. Unfortunately, […]