Category Archives: Victorville Bail Bonds

Surviving the Heat of Summer

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

California typically loves to warm up sooner, so it’s time to start preparing for that heat. If you don’t stay out of the heat, you can end up suffering from heat stroke or passing out. Knowing your body’s limits is important when it comes to heat. Plus, limiting your sun exposure can help lessen your […]

How to Make an Extra Buck

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Times get tough for everybody. It doesn’t matter if we’re out of the recession or aren’t in a depression. We all feel poor at some point in our lives. Many people will say money isn’t everything, which is true. However, when you can’t afford rent, and you had an unexpected emergency come up, the jokes […]

How Hard Can it Be to Stay in Touch with Family?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

As we grow up, everyone eventually moves away from home. Some of us grow up and move out to a college dorm, others move in with friends. We all eventually move away from family or the life we grew up with. It becomes increasingly sad when you’re actually not that far away from them, but […]

Bail Agents Are People Too

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

We get caught up in the world around us most of the time and forget to remember that we are all human. For most of us, it feels like we are on the go 24/7. Due to that fact, when things don’t go the way we planned, we blow up on the nearest person. We […]

Should California Leave the US?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

The rumor mill is turning again about states seceding from the United States. This seems to be a reoccurring trend whenever we get a new president. Back when President Obama took office it seemed like Texas and a few southern states wanted to secede. Now, with President Trump in Office another state wants to secede, […]

Bad Could Be Good

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Have you ever wondered why someone would do such a horrible thing? We often hear stories with a bias attached to them. We’ll hear things like, “This women stole this little boy’s puppy” and automatically think that woman must be an evil witch for being mean to the little boy. We don’t always listen for […]

Memorial Day Is Not Veterans Day

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

There are several holidays that are prime BBQ days with the family. These holidays are typically in the summertime and give us a good excuse to eat delicious food. If we’re being honest, most of these holidays we know are important, but we’re not always clear on the meaning behind them. Plus we may even […]

Noise Complaints: Be the Peace Keeper

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

We all want to be in control of our lives. We want to decide when we sleep, and when we wake up. However, if we have unruly neighbors or loud kids, we may find ourselves lacking control. That lack of control can lead you to try to fix things and eventually trying to take matters […]

Lack of Sleep Driving You Insane?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

We all know we have basic needs to survive. Those are our basic human needs according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid. Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who believed that people could be motivated based off of what they need. Thus he designed his infamous pyramid of needs. The belief is once a […]

Secrets Don’t Make Friends

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Not telling the whole truth is a lie. That means little lies, are still lies. Lies often build upon each other and get messy. They get messier as time goes on because you’re constantly trying to keep them straight. You basically end up in a web full lies that will only suffocate you in the […]

Importance of Being an Adult

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

When we’re younger, we’re cute. We can mess up, accidentally be destructive and everyone is still in love with us. Your parents do things for you without thought, and even people you barely know help you out too. It’s like the world almost revolves around you when you’re young. Unfortunately, you have to grow up […]

What is family?

Apple Valley Bail Bonds

The definition of family is sharing the same ancestors. It means that you share the same DNA as your mother father, siblings, and grandparents. It’s the fact that even on the days you don’t like your family, you’re forever tied to them. Family is one of those things you need in your life. You don’t […]