Tag Archives: free warrant check

Who Determines Bail Prices?

Everyone grasps the concept that bail is expensive. While bail bonds can greatly reduce the cost, they still tend to cost a couple thousand dollars. This is the kind of money that most people do not have lying around, waiting to be spent. It makes you wonder, if everyone knows bail is super expensive, why […]

Wacky Laws That Actually Exist

Do you ever see something and wonder how it could have possibly come into existence? This is especially true with some laws. There are many strange laws out there. Many of them make you wonder what could have happened to make it necessary to create a law that prevents it from happening again. California is […]

Basic Fireworks Laws in California

Fireworks are a unique sight to see. They can be witnessed on certain occasions every year such as 4th of July, and New Year’s. They can be seen more regularly at certain locations like at Disneyland and baseball stadiums. For the 2 big national holidays, private individuals are allowed to discharge fireworks on their own […]