Don’t Lose Hope Because of an Arrest

Don’t Lose Hope Because of an Arrest

You never know when something bad might happen, but you have to have hope that you will be able to ...
Don’t Worry, Bail Is Easier Than You Realize

Don’t Worry, Bail Is Easier Than You Realize

Often times in life, people find themselves stuck doing something uncomfortable. This happens all of the time, despite a person's ...
The Dumb Internet Prank of Swatting

The Dumb Internet Prank of Swatting

The internet is a great tool. It allows people to get in contact with one another no matter the distance ...
Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

With all of the technology around us that helps keep the world running, it can be hard to imagine what ...
Don’t Lose Your Freedom Due to an Arrest

Don’t Lose Your Freedom Due to an Arrest

If there is one thing that people like, it is the having the ability to make their own choices. Everyone ...
Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to Be Terrifying

Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to Be Terrifying

If you are like most people, than the thought of bailing someone out of jail is terrifying. No one ever ...
Be Careful Where You Walk Your Dog This Summer

Be Careful Where You Walk Your Dog This Summer

Taking care of others isn’t always easy. Often times, the other person or creature needs constant supervision to keep them ...
New California Laws for July 2019

New California Laws for July 2019

July is now here, which means the year is halfway through already. It feels like just yesterday that 2019 started ...
Making Bail As Affordable As Possible

Making Bail As Affordable As Possible

Getting arrested is not a fun experience, luckily getting out of jail is an option. All a person has to ...
What Documents Do You Need to Post Bail?

What Documents Do You Need to Post Bail?

When it comes to bail, most people are a bit of a loss. After all, no one ever really plans ...
People May Enjoy Fireworks, but Pets Don’t

People May Enjoy Fireworks, but Pets Don’t

The Fourth of July is rapidly approaching, and everyone is anxiously awaiting all of the celebrations. There will be food, ...
What Fireworks Are Legal in California?

What Fireworks Are Legal in California?

June is quickly racing by, bringing us closer and closer to one of the biggest and most important holidays of ...
Get Bailed out Quickly, Even in the Middle of the Night

Get Bailed out Quickly, Even in the Middle of the Night

Nobody ever wants to do something when they are tired, or especially when they have been sleeping. No one wants ...
You Weren’t Expecting to Need Bail

You Weren’t Expecting to Need Bail

Bail is not something that most people plan on needing. After all, to plan on needing bail would be to ...
This Shouldn’t Be Shared Online

This Shouldn’t Be Shared Online

Most people are aware of the fact that they shouldn’t post everything they record online. Doing so can result in ...
Did Someone Just Break-In?

Did Someone Just Break-In?

When it comes to homes, people are very protective, after all, homes aren’t easy to achieve and are each person’s ...